среда, 30 апреля 2008 г.

Energy Department and X Prize pledge USD 150M in fresh clear engineering grants

The U.S. Energy Department will place up to USD 50 000 000 in 9 grid efficiency presentation sticks out all over the next 5 months. These supposed Renewable and Meted out Schemes Integrating (RDSI) technologies have got a tonality focus for the federal and local regimes, that hope to trim down extremum load electrical energy demand by at least 15% at statistical distribution eaters and to raise the grid’s dependability and efficiency end the commonwealth.

Though it may lack the zing of current of air or solar energy, voguish grid technologies have been all the fury in investing circles, with inaugurations like Silver Spring NetworksAmbienteMeter and GridPoint running down in respective backing rounds all over the last few calendar months. Early fellowships, like San Leo IX, Kalif., Greenbox, are using up energy efficiency line by delivery a Entanglement 2.0 approach to home energy monitoring.

The Department of Energy has picked out sticks out in West Old Dominion State, Prairie State, Battle Born State, Calif and various early positions. The undertakings will be superintended by industry-academic partnerships. In San Diego, for representative, San Diego Gas and Electric will partner with Sensible horizon Free energy Group, Looking Control condition Schemes, Pacific Northwest Interior Science laboratory, the University of San Diego, Motorola and Lockheed Martin.

For its part, the Nick Monica, Kaliph., X Prize Groundwork has denoted it will put USD 100 000 000 in assorted clear energy protrudes, running from energy depot and biofuels to efficiency advances in basic service corporations. One grant will be specifically placed for technologies that advance invention in grid efficiency and the edifice of energy-efficient place.


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